Monday, April 2, 2012

Scanner Scumfuckin'

Going through a big trunk of shit in the attic trying to find some "treasure" that may or may not end up on eBay, I came across a pile of GG Allin flyers, info packets, letters, etc. compiled decades ago that I felt warranted a trip to the ol' Epson. First off is Bloody F. Mess's seminal Hated In The Nation #2 zine, sent to me by GG himself in response to a sadly pathetic fan letter - what an awesome surprise nonetheless. Say what you want about the guy but man, GG didn't fuck around when it came to answering mail - stickers, flyers, whatever - right back at ya before the week was out. Next up is some type of court document covering the infamous Ann Arbor "Leslie Incident" - it lists as 10 pages but I only had 9. Interesting, it includes the police report as well as both GG and Leslie's version of the episode. Finally, it wraps up with some shrink's clinical impressions of the Public Animal, needless to say it is not particularly complimentary. Finally, I pulled together bunches of other random shit amassed by myself and other fans and ended up with a 60-page scrapbook of interviews, trial reports, flyers and obituaries. Most is from the latter part of his career with the Murder Junkies but there are some choice nuggets from the old Scumfuc days. Especially worthy of note are the two interviews from Sound Choice and Nuthing Sacred zine - intelligent discussions which don't just focus on "how many dogs have you fucked?" All three files are in PDF format for your viewing displeasure. Enjoy.

Currently watching: Brotherhood
Currently listening to: Insane Poetry Grim Reality


Icky said...

Awesome post - thank you - and more zine uploads...

ace said...

oh no. the file is no longer available and i NEED it. could you please re-upload it or something? i am always excited for the possibility of finding any gg stuff i haven't seen before, which is an increasingly rare occurrence.

winston95 said...

Re-uploaded. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

not available, please re-upload.

winston95 said...

Should be back up there - grab it while you can. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

re-up again?

winston95 said...

Just re-upped... grab it while you can!

Anonymous said...

Can you re-up?

winston95 said...

Sorry it took a week brother... gettin' slow with age. Enjoy.

Johnny Lee Ray said...

Please, re-upload!

winston95 said...

Goddamn, I've re-uploaded 2 GB of shit tonight... you've got 14days to enjoy this plethora of 80s/90s xerox goodness (?). Enjoy my friends!