Sunday, May 26, 2013

Yep, another GG Allin post.... (Part 2)

Wow, has it been that long since a good 'ol GG post? Sheesh, I need to get off my toilet and start kicking off this Memorial Day weekend with style! Thanks to a good buddy of mine overseas I recently received a cool 75 minutes of random GG Allin bullshit and interviews. The opener is easily the highlight: GG hanging in NYC with David Peel right after the Jabbers recorded their singles material ("No Rules," "You Hate Me & I Hate You," etc, etc) with Peel's Orange Records. Of course none of the Jabbers realized at the time that that stuff was going to slyly be released by GG as solo material but that's another story... Jump to nearly a decade later with two Halloween 1992 interviews while GG was finishing his time up in Jackson State Prison. By this time the full "GG Allin Mission" persona is in effect so you'll hear a lot of the same schtick and talking points that pepper most of Allin's publicity from that time. The KUCI interviewer seems a lot more serious (and more of a legit fan) then the clown from New York's Z-Rock; one can sense GG tiring of (and skipping) the same old questions in the latter conversation. And the ending is brutally cheesy... "GG Allin... Metallica... Am I Evil?" Puke. The disc wraps up with a tight interview from WMBR in Cambridge, MA where that night's gig was unexpectedly pulled out from under the Murder Junkies' feet. A recently freed and freshly angry Allin rants, raves and threatens the club owners (I believe this was to be the first gig in the infamous "Terror In America Tour") as well as promises the typical mayhem and destruction on what was to be his final tour. Can you believe we're at the 20-year anniversary this summer? Shit how time flies. Thanks again LJ. Enjoy.

Currently watching: X: The Man With The X-Ray Eyes
Currently listening to: The Black Keys No Fun


ace said...

could you please re-upload this? the file is gone. thanks.

winston95 said...

You got it mang - enjoy.

RON said...

I need this! The file is down again. Can you please reupload again? Thank You!

winston95 said...

Just finished reuploading - enjoy mang!

Anonymous said...

please reup !!!

winston95 said...

Happy Thanksgiving brother... your request has been fulfilled...

Johnny Lee Ray said...

Please, re-upload!

winston95 said...

Re-uploaded on 4/18/22... you've got 14 days to download my friend!