Friday, August 8, 2014

REPOST: The Funk Is Free

Five years and a month since my good pal Daniel Frouman passed on into the ether. In some weird way, I'm still in total denial that I won't get a random phone call, unexpected text, or simply bump into his lanky ass walking down Lamar Boulevard one day. I wish that were the case. I am happy to report that his memory lives on with yearly Funk Extravaganzas in his honor (featuring both a run and a concert) and on the amazing Daniel Frouman Memorial maintained by his brother. Photos and memories galore. I recently re-ripped all the cassettes of music I am privileged to have had him share with me; cleaning off as much of the tape hiss and other analog limitations as I could. I think the songs sound better than ever. While I was at it I also created a whole new slew of CD covers since I'm weirdly/annoyingly neurotic about that sort of thing so the (printable) PDFs are included with the songs. Enjoy and pass the word.

I                                                              II                                                              III

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