Monday, March 17, 2014


There was a time a few years ago when I was really obsessed with long songs. Not necessarily random live jams (being a long time Hendrix and Ween fan there's more than enough familiarity with those) but in-the-studio recordings that could have simply been ambitious one-shot attempts or legitimate rehearsed epics. Japanese sludgelords Corrupted were the first band whose longer material I really enjoyed - it seemed cohesive and intentional. Other bands, mostly bleak doom and drone come to mind, Argentinum Astrum, Khanate, Otesanek, etc etc. I recently discovered this 2011 release by Jersey supergroup trio The Atomic Bitchwax. 42 minutes of back-to-back stoner riffs straight out of the late 1970's. Do I think it really needed to be all one track? No, but there's enough variety to keep it extremely listenable and if your attention starts to fade, have faith, you'll eventually hear something new to hook you. All your rock gods are paid homage to in this one, so grab your well worn bell-bottoms out of the attic and enjoy. 

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